Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Little Ramen Goes a Long Way..

Originally uploaded by awolice89
Don't worry, I haven't actually bought it yet.. but after seeing the massive dip in my savings account after just 4 days across the pond, my roommate's news that Europe DOES have something similar to Ramen (For 9 PENCE!) offers hope that I won't have to cross countries off my wishlist!... i'm really not kidding. Euroramen has become my fail-proof financial plan. It'll also ensure that my bloodpressure remains in an unfortunately high range and that I never miss a day's supply of questionable powdered "veggies" and mystery meat (now featuring curry!). I'm literally SO EXCITED to pick some up tomorrow...

London has been getting more and more fabulous. I'm really loving the people on my program, and I'm sure (whether by choice or by force - hehe) we'll all become really close over the next couple months.. but I'm really excited. Plus, I'm SO excited that we all share similar hopes for travelling to other countries.

So last night we went out for dinner and frozen yogurt.. nothing too "London-esque" but a lot of fun nonetheless. I elected to stay in because I wasn't feeling very good and I know that if I can help boost my immunity (since I have the immune system of a kindergartener) I need to take advantage of any opportunity. Thankfully, it was the one night BBC 3 ran Pirates of the Carribean instead of some lame "TV Experts" show or another rerun of the Beatles' movies.

I start classes tomorrow - actually I only have one, but I'm kind of nervous, kind of excited. So long as I find it and the professor doesn't have too thick a foreign accent (although judging from her portrait, I suspect she does) I will be okay.

Unfortunately, the internet here is AWFUL (although they promise it will be fixed next Tuesday) so for the t ime being i'm more or less skype-less and i've been using my Vodafone minutes already. But, I'm absolutely in love with Vodafone - first off, my phone is ten times better and clearer than ANY phone I've ever had with verizon for the same pricerange. I also am under the impression that all incoming calls are free (and since I purchased a 609 number with skype so that my family and friends cancall me, I'm SO excited to find out if that's true).

And.. drumroll... we're supposed to reach the 70s tomorrow! AHHHH!

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