Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Here we are now.. entertain us!"

While I have a bajillion more photos of swans and lakes and pretty trees to commemorate the fact that once again, we reached the mid-70s and had bright, beautiful sunshine all day today.. I figured last night's trip to O'Neills' bar in Leister Square (coupled with the fact that fog, rain and cold weather are SUPPOSEDLY in our forecast) warranted the photo that I posted. Maybe I'm just blind to the better clubs in DC because I'm still underage back in the states.. (good times, good times)... but I'm pretty sure O'Neill's is one of those not-so-secret places in London that just personifies why Europe is SO awesome.

First of all. Rock music. I can't say I've ever had a vodka and cranberry in a place where a live band covered Nirvana, Aerosmith and the best song EVER by the Killers. I also imagine that if I HAD been at a place like that in DC (which maybe I was actually there but had a few too many vodka cranberries, who knows), there probably weren't so many Irishmen in suits dancing around. In the course of a 20-min span I talked to someone from India, Israel and France. Oh, and I witnessed a really hilarious chick fight among three girls - all with RIDICULOUSLY thick British accents. HILARIOUS.

Basically, so far, in my 11 days of first impressions, O'Neill's has already become my favorite bar by far. The no-cover charge might also have contributed to that.. plus, we were able to catch the (FREE) bus home. So had I not paid 8 pounds to have double shots instead of singles, I would've had an insanely chcap night.. ohhh and I really can't wait to see some of the photos I expect people to upload soon to facebook, although I'm sure many of them won't be tagged.

Sooooo... today marks the first day I officially bought tickets to travel outside of the UK! In two weeks we'll be setting foot in Paris, which I'm SOO excited for.. I feel horrible that I'll be leaving for France on mine & my boyfriend's second anniversary (there's your plug!.. haha), but it seemed to be the only day that fit my schedule and my roommate's.. so it should be pretty exciting (and surprisingly much cheaper than what most people will be paying to do the same excursion). And... the weekend after that - OKTOBERFEST! Not necessarily the classic romantic getaway to mark an anniversary celebration... but potentially an incredibly fun and once-in-a-lifetime kind of experience... although hopefully someday we'll make it to the real schpeel in Munich. Someday :)

I REALLY should learn to go to sleep when my body starts feeling tired.. I spent the day organizing trips and grocery shopping (which, I don't want to waste anyone's time with explaining yet again how much of a penny-pincher I am... but MAN I am SO good at finding sales, it's kind of an embarrassing gift inherited from Grandmom Piechowski). Relaxing in Kensington Gardens was great as always and tomorrow - drumroll - THE THAMES FESTIVAL WITH ZACH & KATE!.. I love that several of my friends from AU are on the same program as I am, but GOSH I am SOOO EXCITED to see familiar, lovely faces from high school... I can't deny it, I've been outrageously homesick. Not down-in-the-dumps homesick, but at a level where my mind STILL can't comprehend being away from home for so long... I'm sure the two lovelies will help alleviate some of that tomorrow night... and if not, only a little over a week until Chris lands in Europe :)

Alright, time to clock out, now that British TV has failed to entertain me and my MLB online package still hasn't cleared :)

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